Sights on Success Consulting is proud to share the following milestone in our Truth and Reconciliation journey:
On March 28, 2024, the Intercultural Sharing Circle, a community-building endeavour and introduction to Leadership Development in Intercultural Competence©, met at a local Indigenous woman-owned business/coffee lounge in Regina on Treaty 4 Territory and the Métis homeland.
Sights on Success Consulting promoted the Indigenous woman-owned business on social media several times prior to the event. Before the session, participants supported the business by purchasing refreshments. During the session, a Land Acknowledgement was shared. Then, the facilitator shared a self-introduction in nêhiyawêwin/Plains Cree to support Indigenous language revitalization which is one of the TRC Report’s Calls to Action.
Before and since the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2021, Sights on Success Consulting has participated in the following activities:
– Attendance at public events to honour the survivors of residential schools and those who did not make it home on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
– Taking a nêhiyawêwin/Plains Cree Language Beginner Course.
– Giving a self-introduction in nêhiyawêwin/Plains Cree at the beginning of workshops.
– Completing the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation Education Course.
– Hosting and facilitating sessions of the Intercultural Sharing Circle about Truth and Reconciliation.
– Posting articles and updates related to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
– Attendance at public events to mark National Indigenous Peoples Day.
– Promotion on social media to raise awareness and support for causes and events that pertain to Indigenous people in Canada such as National Indigenous Peoples Day, National Ribbon Skirt Day, and the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and 2 Spirit People.
– Donations to local non-profit organizations that provide services and programs to Indigenous clients.
– Donations to educational institutions that provide programs and services to Indigenous students.